
6. It has grown so late at night, seeing the frost on the bridge in the imperial Court, the legendary bridge magpie spans the Milky Way, brightening whitely.

「 かささぎの 渡せる橋に おく霜の 白きを見れば 夜ぞ更けにける 」

Kasasagi no Watase ru hashi ni Oku shimo no
                                                Shiroki wo mire ba Yo zo fuke ni keru

                                                              Chunagon Yakamochi

                       ★ Please contact me anytime you have questions 



5. How lonely autumn is when a deer calls his wife plodding on the ground covered with maple leaves in the mountains.

「 奥山に 紅葉踏み分け 鳴く鹿の 声聞く時ぞ 秋は悲しき 」

Okuyama ni Momiji fumiwake Naku shika no
                                                  Koe kiku toki zo Aki wa kanashiki

                                                             Sarumaru Dayu
 Please contact me anytime you have questions 


4. When I came to Tagonoura, I got moved to see the white high peak of Mt. Fuji being covered and covered with snow.

「 田子の浦に うち出でてみれば 白妙の 富士の高嶺に 雪は降りつつ 」

Tagonoura ni Uchiide te mire ba Shirotae no
Fuji no takane ni Yuki wa furi tsutsu

   Yamabe no Akahito
3.   It's not interesting to sleep alone such a long night in autumn as a Japanese pheasant's train.

「あしびきの 山鳥の尾の しだり尾の 長々し夜を 独りかも寝む」

               Ashibikino Yamadori no wo no Shidariwo no
                Naganagashi yo wo Hitori ka mo nemu

                   Kakinomoto no Hitomaro

1.  The roof cover of the temporary shed for harvest in autumn is
    so rough that my sleeves are getting wet and wet with dewdrops

  秋の田の かりほの庵の 苫を荒み 我が衣手は 露に濡れつつ 」

Aki no ta no Kario no io no Toma wo arami
                                                  Wa ga koromode wa Tsuyu ni nure tsutsu

                                                                   Tenchi Tenno
  Please contact me anytime you have questions 


2. It seems spring has passed and summer has come. You can see the white clothes aired on Mt. Amano Kaguyama, which is said to be aired them on in .

 「 春すぎて 夏来にけらし 白妙の 衣ほすてふ 天の香具山 」

                   Haru sugi te Natsu ki ni ke rashi Shirotae no
                   Koromo hosu cho Amano-kaguyama
                            Jito Tenno