
23. I have lots to feel sad for, seeing the moon, autumn never comes only to make me sad, though.
Oe no Chisato

月見れば ちぢに物こそ 悲しけれ わが身ひとつの 秋にはあらねど

                 ”Oe no Chisato”
                 Tsuki mire ba
                 Chiji ni mono koso Kanashi kere
                 Wa ga mi
hitotsu no Aki ni wa ara ne do

 Please contact me anytime you have questions 
22. Plants in autumn wither as soon as the wind blows from mountains.
Oh, I see, that's why we call the wind from mountains "storm" probably.
            Funya no Yasuhide

吹くからに 秋の草木の しをるれば むべ山風を あらしといふらむ
                                    "Funya no Yasuhide"
                                     Fuku karani
                                     Aki no kusaki no Shiorure ba
                                     Mube yama-kaze wo
Arashi to iu ramu

 Please contact me anytime you have questions 

21. I have seen the morning moon after I waited long at night in September, simply because you said you would come and see me soon.
                             Sosei Hoshi

今来むと いひしばかりに 長月の 有明の月を 待ち出でつるかな
                                             "Sosei Hoshi"
                                       Ima ko mu to Ii shi
                                       bakari ni Nagatsuki no

                                       tsuki wo Machiide tsuru kana

 Please contact me anytime you have questions 
20. It is same to be annoyed like this as to ruin myself. I want to see you now even if it consumes me, like the word "miotsukushi" in Naniwa.

                                                                         Motoyoshi Shinno

わびぬれば 今はた同じ 難波なる 身をつくしても 逢はむとぞ思ふ

                                     Motoyoshi Shinno(890-943

                                     Wabinure ba

                                     Ima hata onaji
                                     Naniwa naru
                                     Mi wo tsukushi te mo
                                             Awa mu to zo omou

 Please contact me anytime you have questions 


19. Do you tell me to spend my life without seeing you even in such a short time as between joints of a reed in Naniwagata?

難波潟 短かき蘆の 節の間も 逢はでこの世を 過ぐしてよとや
                                       Naniwa gata Mijikaki
                                       ashi no Fushi no ma mo
                                         Awade kono yo o Sugushite yo to ya

 Please contact me anytime you have questions 
18. I'm wondering why I should go to see you in secret even in my dream at night, the word of dashing waves against Suminoe Beach.....
                       Fujiwara no Toshiyuki Ason

住の江の 岸に寄る波 よるさへや 夢のかよひ路 人目よくらむ

                                   "Fujiwara no Toshiyuki Ason"
                                   Suminoe no Kishi ni
                                   yoru nami Yoru
                                   sae ya Yume no
                                   kayoiji Hitome yoku ramu

 Please contact me anytime you have questions 

17.  Water of Tatsuta River was tie-dyed scarlet by maple leaves...? I would never hear such a thing even in the era of God when strange things often happened.
        Ariwara no Narihira no Ason

ちはやぶる 神代もきかず 竜田川 からくれなゐに 水くくるとは
Ariwara no Narihira no Ason(825-880)                  Chihayaburu
                 Kamiyo mo kika zu Tatsuta-gawa Kara
                 kurenai ni Mizukukuru to wa

 Please contact me anytime you have questions 

16.  I'll leave you now but I'll come back immediately when I hear you are waiting for me like the name of pines growing on the top of Mt. Inaba.
                 Chunagon Yukihira

立ち別れ いなばの山の 峰に生ふる まつとし聞かば 今帰り来む

                 Chunagon Yukihira(818-893)

                 Tachiwakare Inaba no
                 yama no Mine ni ouru
                 Matsu to shi
                 kika ba Ima kaeri ko mu

 Please contact me anytime you have questions 

15. For you, my dear, I went out to the field and picked green herbs, then it snowed and snowed on my sleeves.
                      Koko Tenno

君がため 春の野にいでて 若菜摘む わが衣手に 雪は降りつつ

                   Koko Tenno(830-887)
                  Kimi ga tame Haru no
                  no ni ide te Wakana
                  tsumu Wa ga koromo
                  de ni Yuki wa furi tsutsu

 Please contact me anytime you have questions 
14. My mind is confused like the pattern of Sinobumozizuri in Michinoku. Whose fault is it that it has begun? Not mine but yours.
                      Kawara no Sadaijin

陸奥の しのぶもぢずり 誰ゆゑに 乱れそめにし 我ならなくに

                     Kawara no Sadaijin

                     Michinoku no Shinobu 
                                               mojizuri Tare yue ni
                      Midare-some ni shi
                                              Ware nara naku ni 
 Please contact me anytime you have questions 
                            →           akeakeake2@aol.com

13. My love has got deep enough to make a pool now, as well as the drops from the peak of Mt. Tsukuba make a deep pool in Minano River.

筑波嶺の みねより落つる みなの川 恋ぞつもりて 淵となりぬる

                    Tsukubane no
                  Mine yori otsuru Minanogawa
                    Koi zo
tsumori te
                   Fuchi to nari nuru

 Please contact me anytime you have questions 
                            →           akeakeake2@aol.com

12. The wind on the sky, blow and block the way to heaven through clouds. I'd like these girls like angles, dancing Gosechi, to stay here a little more.
                                Sojo Henjo

   天つ風 雲のかよひ路 吹きとぢよ 乙女の姿 しばしとどめむ

                       Sojo Henjo(816-890)

                       Ama tsu kaze
                       Kumo no kayoiji
                        Fuki toji yo
                       Otome no sugata

                      Shibashi todome mu

        Please contact me anytime you have questions 

11.   Fishing boats, please tell the people in Kyoto I miss that I have just sailed for many islands beyond the sea.
                                   Sangi Takamura         

「わたの原 八十島かけて 漕き出でぬと 人には告げよ あまのつりぶね」

Sangi Takamura(802-852)

                    Watanohara Yasoshima kake te
                      Kogi ide nu to Hito ni wa
                        Ama no tsuri-bune

                           ★ Please contact me anytime you have questions 
                                             →   akeakeake2@aol.com